Fill-In Your Insecurities
A few months ago right before the COVID pandemic hit, my friends and I hung out for dinner and drinks. Since we are all Working Mamacitas, it’s always hard to get away from our daily responsibilities but we try hard to coordinate a mandatory outing at least once a quarter. The night is filled with laughter, cheer, good food, drinks and always a little bit of chisme.
Our date always ends with a mandatory photo op, for THE GRAM, of course. We take photo after photo until we find one that is approved for posting by all of us. This time in particular everyone couldn’t seem to approve. There were endless reasons why every picture wasn’t good enough. It became overwhelming and finally we thought we found one we all seemed to like. One of my girl friends took a closer look and stopped me in my tracks, “No, not this one.” I said, “why not?” The words that followed had me questioning things about myself that I had never thought of or felt insecure about until then. I cringe just thinking about it but this is what she said, “Not this pic because it looks like you’re balding” (Insert screaming emoji here). “Excuse me, what”, I said. “BALDING, I am not balding. Yes, I had a baby two years ago, but I am way past postpartum hair loss and regrowth. I cannot possibly be balding.” She then said, “of course you’re not balding silly, it’s just the way the light is hitting the part in your hair.” Phew!!!!
The infamous photo (Me - upper right)
That night, I went home and looked at my hair in the mirror over and over. I parted my hair to the left side, then the right, then the middle, until I could convince myself that I was not balding. After having babies our bodies change so much, including our hair and I realize my hair has thinned out a bit but hair loss and balding are two different things. I searched for a solution and found a pretty awesome product that fills in my hair line without taking too much time and effort. Its Clairol’s Root Touch Up, a temporary root coverage that blends with your existing hair color. Although I don’t use it every day, when I do it’s really effective. Plus its super easy to use, it’s as if you are applying eyeshadow to your hair line. Since our dinner date, I haven’t obsessed much about my balding experience, I have two kids and know this is all part of the process. There’s no reason to dwell on something a little make-up can fix. I will share another all natural remedy I am currently trying for hair regrowth on another post real soon.
Have you ever used this product or something similar? If so, let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.
Xoxo - G